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Boating Tips: Following the Leader

Navigating unknown waters and safety tips for traveling as a group. By Dusty Miller Some of my fondest memories involve cruising with a flotilla of boats through unfamiliar waterways, and anchoring in desolate har­bours. At night, I could look out one porthole and see a dense forest...

Boat Fenders 101

Tips for use and best practices to protect your boat. By Mark King To begin, they are called fenders, not bumpers. Bumpers go on cars and trucks. The items that are draped over the side of boats to protect your hull and its finish are called...

Keep exploring

Haul with Confidence: How to Equip Your Truck for Trailering Boats

Every boater knows the importance of a reliable land vehicle when the time comes...

Great Eats On The Water

For a waterfront restaurant to be successful it must have a good vibe with...

Tuna Strike in Baja

Often overlooked, below the border offers great deep-sea fishing.  By Gordon Cruise McBride Living in San...

Fishing Nirvana

A trip to Florida’s Key West is an angler’s dream.  Story and photos by Ron...

2024 American Boat Shows

Also check out our list of boat shows happening across Canada in 2024! Make...

Seakeeper Gyro: Transforming the Boating Experience with Stability Innovation

By: Jarrett Matthews In the unpredictable dance of the open sea, boating enthusiasts often find...

Fishing Talk: What do Fish Eat?

Here’s how to choose a lure that matches the natural food source of your...

Great Eats on the Water

The weather is getting cooler but that shouldn’t stop you from checking out these...

Happy Anniversary Mercury Racing’s 500R Outboard

Mercury Racing unleashed a new 500-hp monster to celebrate its 50th anniversary. By Gregg Mansfield Continuing...

Shark Tales

Learn how to catch and release a shark from an expert.  By Gordon McBride Florida’s Key...

Sunny Delights – Suzuki Marine

The move to Florida has been sweet for Suzuki Marine.   By Ron Ballanti  It was...

On a Roll with Myco Trailers

MYCO Trailers is ready to celebrate 50 years of building marine trailers. As MYCO Trailers celebrates...